Brick by Brick 

You might not be able to pay for the whole building, but you could share in this mitzva buy buying a brick for the Shul!
Imagine the feeling of walking into a building that has your name on it. Imagine that feeling of pride that you took responsibility for donating a building to a Shul, a School, a Community. Now, not everyone has the financial means to donate an entire building, but we want everyone to have the opportunity to experience that feeling for themselves, within their financial means.
For a one time donation of $10,000 or a monthly commitment of $180* for five years, you will be ‘buying a brick’ and participating in this fantastic endeavor.
Your donation will be memorialized on a prominently situated donor board in our new home. If every family joins this campaign, we will raise over half a million dollars ourselves!
Scroll below and select how you would like to buy your brick, and together we will purchase our New Home!
If you aren’t able to buy the building, then help the Shul purchase it Brick By Brick!
*Please note: The minimum donation for Brick By Brick is $10,800, which can be paid over 60 monthly installments. If you prefer to pay in one single payment the minimum donation will be $10,000.


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